Command line args and ini file

Command line arguments and ini file.

command line arguments

Command line arguments provides some minor settings of TWELITE Stage.


-E 0

Disable graphical effect like fading out

-R {type}

Set rendering type by {type} value: 0: default 1: OpenGL 2: DirectX(Windows) Metal(macOS) 3: Software.


Enable game controller.

-x {x_pos}, -y {y_pos}

Set position of TWELITE STAGE App graphical winodow at launch. The {x_pos} and {y_pos} is the screen coordinate of window top-left.

an ini file.

The ini file is used to set some fundamental settings of TWELITE STAGE (like reference MWSDK folder).

The ini file name is {basename of TWELITE STAGE app executable} + .ini, which is normally TWELITE_Stage.ini.

;;; change MWSDK reference.

;;; Interface language

;;; Window geometry


  • The ini file is described as a plain text file.

  • A key and value is stored in a single line separated with = character (e.g. KEY=value).

  • A key value string shall begin with line head. (No spaces or other character allowed before a key string.)

  • No space allowed between the = character.

  • Comment line is started from ; or # characacter.




Change MWSDK folder to another one. The default folder is MWSDK at the same folder where TWELITE STAGE App executable is located. If you need to use older or custom MWSDK, you can specify the name of its folder.


LANG=en will change the user interface language from default(Japanese) to English.


Change the location of TWELITE STAGE App window is shown

different settings of TWELITE STAGE App.

If you need to different setting type of TWELITE STAGE App, just copy an executable at same folder of the original TWELITE_Stage executable.

e.g. if you needs English interface vesion, you just copy TWELITE_Stage.exe(Note: .exe is suffix of Windows executable) to TWELITE_Stage_en.exe and create .ini file with LANG=en setting.

  TWELITE_Stage.ini     | no special settings

  TWELITE_Stage_en.exe  | copy of TWELITE_Stage.exe
  TWELITE_Stage_en.ini  | LANG=en is set
