About folder structure

About Folder Structure

The TWELITE STAGE APP runs as a front-end application in the TWELITE STAGE SDK package. Here is its folder structure.

... /MWSTAGE/           TWELITE STAGE SDK Installation.
    /TWELITE_Stage.???? Executable (Windows .exe, macOS .command, Linux .run)
    /TWELITE_Stage.sav  Configuration file
    /TWELITE_Stage.ini  Other settings
    /TWELITE_Stage/     TWELITE STAGE APP related files

    /MWSDK/             MWSDK libraries, etc.
    /BIN/               Destination for [BIN file selection
    /log/               Logs and databases

    /Tools/             gcc compiler and other tools

MWSDK folder

  Act_samples/ : sample code by mwx library 
  Wks_TweApps/ : source code for TWELITE APPS 
  Act_extras/  : more specialized samples by mwx library, citing other libraries
  TWENET/      : TWENET library (mwx library and others) 
  ChipLib/     : semiconductor library  
  MkFiles/     : body processing part of Makefile     
  docs/        : Library manuals, etc.   
  000manifest  : Version information of MWSDK

The MWSDK folder contains libraries for building software for the TWELITE wireless microcontroller, samples, and source code for the TWELITE APPS.


Records configuration information within the TWELITE Stage application.

The file name is the TWELITE_Stage app file name + .sav.


see this for details.

  • MWSDK= Edit to specify a different folder instead of the MWSDK/ folder. This is useful if you want to mix multiple library versions. The above example uses the MWSDK2020_10 folder.

  • LANG= Specify LANG=en to set the display language of TWELITE Stage to English.

Run TWELITE Stage with different settings

Copy TWELITE_Stage.exe (on Windows) with a different file name. For example, if you change it to TWS1.exe, it refers to the configuration files TRS1.sav and TRS1.ini.

BIN folder

When you select the TWELITE STAGE APP's BINから選択 menu, the firmware files (.BIN) for the TWELITE radio microcontroller in this folder are enumerated.

log folder

Log files are stored in this folder when the serial port logging function is performed in the TWELITE STAGE APP.

This folder is also used to store databases when using the graphing function and to output csv files.

Tools folder

This folder contains toolchains for gcc, g++, and other cross-compilers.

Platform specific utilities are also stored in this folder. See Tools/reame-j.txt for details.

About the build project folder

This function is introduced as an extra function. It may work differently from what is described.

Search order of folders

Search for build project folders (e.g., Act_samples) in the following order

  1. the folder where the TWELITE STAGE app was launched

  2. the folder where the TWELITE STAGE app executable is located

  3. {MWSDK folder}/...

  4. {MWSDK folder}/..


If the Wks_Acts folder exists, this folder is referenced from the menu item Act Build & Rewrite instead of the Act_samples folder.
