The executable of TWELITE™ Stage distributed by Monowireless, Inc. is subject to MW-SLA-1J,1E.

For source code, MW-OSSLA-1J,1E applies. Please refer to the link for an overview.

If you build from source code, you can operate with MW-OSSLA-1J,1E which has more relaxed restrictions for non-commercial purposes.

Some distribution packages (as of 2020/10/9, only the 0.8.9a package for M5Stack is available) apply a dual license with MW-SLA-1J,1E and MW-OSSLA-1J,1E. Please check the license description in the package.

Please note that you must select MW-SLA-1J,1E for commercial use.

Open source deliverables used

We would like to thank the open source projects that provided us with high quality source code.
