

If 000desc.txt is created in the project folder, TWELITE STAGE APP will display its contents in the list of project folders.

The file is written in UTF-8. There are two types of formats.

Format 1

Turn on LED when switch is pressed
act4 runs an act that turns on an LED when a switch connected to the TWELITE DIP is pressed.
  • The first line is the title line.

  • The second and subsequent lines are descriptions of the details.

  • If the last line starts with http, it is a link to a website.

Format 2

DESC=中身が何もない setup(), loop() のみのファイルです。
新しく Act を記述するのに利用してください。
TITLE=Act empty template
DESC=This act file only contains empty setup() and loop(),
which is intended to write a new Act. 

The format is like an ini file. The item name starting at the beginning of the line and up to the = character is the item definition, and the rest is the content of the item.

About URL specification
